Friday, May 27, 2011

What do you do with Lemon Balm?

Rub It on your skin since it's a natural anti-fungal and mosquito repellent

Make potpourri cause lemon smells good people

Make Tea hot or iced

Stuff your Fish...with that and some Dill or parsley

Toss it with your lettuce in salads

Best Idea???

Make a Sorbet with some mint and lemon balm. Its refreshing, on a hot summer day...and involves wine.
2 cups sugar
2 cups water
6 sprigs mint
6 lemon balm leaves
1 cup white wine (moscato wine is a good choice)
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Place sugar and water in saucepan with herbs. Bring to boil. Remove to heat and add wine. Cover and cool. Chill for several hours, then add lemon juice. Freeze in a freezer safe container. As soon as it begins to freeze stir briskly and return to freezer. repeat every 15 mins for at least 3 hours, or until ready to serve. 

For more ideas go check out The Herb Expert

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6/01/2011

    I had loads of lemon balm in my old garden in VA. I used to make tea with it in the Summer and everyone loved it. Very refreshing. I used fresh leaves, tearing them a bit. Then I would put them in a big jug, cover with hot water and let it sit for 4 hours before straining. I didn't add sweetener, but I've heard some do.
