Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ah, Let us all Relax...

J and I hit the cool spots tonight. LOL

First, Goodwill (which apparently sucks on weekdays due to the lack of finds), Second, the candy store (where I could lie down , deeply breathe and head straight into a coma) and thirdly a bar.

We ran into several friends and since it was free pool night I agreed to play. I do suck. Like rotten eggs but some folks were quite good and willing to teach me while burying me in the dirt. I think I did pretty damn well, even sinking 2 balls with one shot once. Ill go back. Ah, give me time...J laughed at me when she saw the competitive bitch rising up like an inferno. I said "Yes, but I'm trying to keep the bitch quiet until I have some skills to back her up." Plenty of beer, much trash talked and hugs all around.

An excellent night if I do say so myself.


  1. Sounds like a fab night! Practice those skills and let the bitch out to play :)

  2. Did someone say beer AND candy store?!? I am in heaven!

  3. I'm with jess....sounds like a great evening...

  4. Anonymous8/19/2009

    Yeah I usually stick around the Goodwill, volunteers of America (which is actually cheaper then Goodwill surprisingly) and Salvation Army. It is hard to find a certain time to get all the good stuff.

    Love pool!

  5. Sounds like an awesome evening. I too suck at pool but apparently, the more beer I drink, the better I think I can play. Don't think I ever sink two balls with one shot (unless I scratch of course).
