Monday, November 19, 2007

ARGH! More school trouble...

KJ had a great day Thursday. He did so well and shared his crayons with the new girl without being asked. He did so well he got to roll the teachers dice...Now after rolling a 6 you get your choice of recognition so he chose lunch with the teachers on Friday. We also had his parent teacher conference and I had him participate. He doing well except for reading so we talked about how to conquer that piece. We also talked about the problems he's been having with the other kids so the teacher can address it. The woman was fairly clueless and as she listened she commended his for making good choices and promised to keep a better eye out. My best guess is that while she cares and wants to do well by all the children she is fairly young and inexperienced.

KJ had a great night - he read to his sister, went to bed on time and was ready for school by 7am. He was very excited and motivated on Friday....Then he had to "refocus" in reading. And computer and then he had to roll the teachers "blue dice" - I guess they are blue because they are guaranteed to make you sad...He scored a call home to mom so they phoned me. After KJ ended up sad and angry on what in his mind should have been a wonderful day it all went downhill. Coming in from recess he pushed and hit a child for calling him names...Of course his teacher didn't see it, but she was the one to report it. He went to the office and was expelled for 2 days. No questions asked and I got another call...All in all I got 4 calls and was very unhappy. The last one went to voicemail with instructions to call back prior to 4pm. I called at 5 'til and she wouldn't take my call because she "had somewhere to go." I was about livid. So we're switching schools. Going back to OB Gates. Another switch back in daycare. All to get him back in a better environment. I hope this is the right answer. He is a sweet compassionate boy. He doesn't act like this anywhere but in that school. I don't get it. Something is going on there and I can't quite put my finger on it...

1 comment:

  1. I think you are making the right decision switching schools Lily girl....
