Tuesday, August 14, 2007

$16 Baseball Pic for Sale...

KJ drew a baseball picture this week in school. He has the bases loaded (and numbered) and his coaches talk written in all over...The only parts I can make out are "Focus" "We're gonna win" and that he hit the ball and the score is 25-something...He explained to me this is a very valuable picture because people love baseball and he's in it. He's planning to sell it to Pop-Pop for $16, but if Pop-Pop needs a discount he's willing to go as low as $6. Fat chance! I snagged it and hung it in my cube at work! :)


  1. Anonymous8/14/2007

    whoo,you have your hands full.i bet you're the only person in the neighborhood that has (tuna-hammer)so kj is finding his independance alittle at a time,he'll get it but of course you won't alwways agree .he is pretty smart to sell a pic for $16

  2. Anonymous8/15/2007

    You think he might trade that pic for a skateboard?
