What do you do during a Hurricane? One leaving you without electricity? What about the aftermath? The power company called me at work to say we're back on but here are some sweet and some evil funny moments to make you smile...
- Plot your ice snatching escapade while waiting for Hurricane to end in an attempt to save your food
- Wonder why the water drained from your tub while you fill it again using a different plug
- Take pictures of trees falling outside your window
- Report your power outage hoping to be in the front of that "line"
- Delare your bathtub plugs shitty as you find the tub empty again
- Take pictures of the kids as you laugh at them with their umbrellas because they got to take the dogs out
- Grumble when you "win the lotto" and have to take the dogs out.
- Let water out of the pool each time the dogs have to go out so you don't witness a scene from "Grownups"
- Chill on the couch and talk
- Play Board Games
- Eat the peanut butter cookies Mommy made
- Give in and go to bed shortly after dark as you listen to the winds and rain howl
- Get up at 5am to go snatch aforementioned ice
- Pack freezer with ice
- Drink day old cold coffee
- Begin yard clean up and debate the value of a generator
- Wake up children to help with pool clean up
- Put them on stick duty due to shrieking, whining and all around drama
- Cook thawed sausage and scrample eggs on grill for breakfast
- Explain why you can't really make muffins well on a grill
- Shovel debris from pool for about 3 hours
- Call Power company and hear power should be on b/t 5 & 11pm
- Go take a nap with the youngest while another adult takes a turn
- Continue cleaning pool
- Wonder if you have to work the next day
- Give in and charge Blackberry in car
- Cook dinner on grill
- Declare "pool clean" good enough for work on Monday
- Roast marshmallows over storm debris
- Sleep on loveseat
- Take several detours on way to work due to downed trees
- Return to work and refrain from punching folks who say "What? I never lost anything"
- Call Power company and hear power should be on b/t 5 & 11pm
- Score generator on loan from an AWESOME friend who now has power
- Try to confirm vacation is still on in OBX
- Call Internet company who says there is an outage in the area - No shit!
- Toss cold water and melty ice
- Realize dinner is all frozen so re-heat leftovers on grill
- Console crying son who is afraid the dog will die because he won't act normal
- Sleep on couch
- Shower at work
- Call Power company and hear power should be on b/t 5 & 11pm
- Call Internet company in the hopes of working from home this week to hear there is "an outage in the area"
- Buy Coffee
- Try to confirm vacation
- Feel thankful the children are with their Dad for the night
- Take Puppy to Vet appointmet
- Buy more gas for grill
- Get call from Power Company to confirm service has been restored...It wasn't
- Hold Meet & Greet for foster puppy
- Collapse into the couch (it's still hot upstairs) at 11pm after using generator to watch tv
- Continue to be trapped in traffic due to lack of traffic lights
- Confirm Vacation can proceed!
- Attend meetings all day
- Call Power company and hear power should be on Saturday night b/t 5 & 11pm
- Call Internet company who says there is an outage in the area - No shit!
- Leave work to pick up children...Find them on the 3rd try at the pool with their Grandma
- Learn child is beginning to dilate and threaten her life if she has that baby next week
- Arrange sister as back-up house sitter in case grandchild comes
- Drop children with the father who has power
- Go to bank since they just got power
- Awaken due to aftershocks (we had an earthquake last week too)
- Arrive to shower at work and discover we are down to one working shower...celebrate being next in line
- Make call to re-schedule son's appt missed in the shuffle
- Locate bus routes online and try to look up teachers
- Call Power company and hear power should be on b/t 5 & 11pm Saturday
- Wonder who will dog-sit if I don't have power
- Print confirmation and directions for vacation due to no home internet
- Call Internet company who says there is an outage in the area - No shit!
- Get call from Power Company to confirm service has been restored...OMFG, Dena confirmed this is true
- Make plans to return generator...
Sounds like you did really well! Have you given thought to applying to be on "Survivor"?
ReplyDeleteMy parents finally got their power back on last night. This was a rough one.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your (rrreeeeaaalllly well deserved) vacation!
You are good! You accomplished more with no power than most people I know with! You are like a pioneer woman!
ReplyDeleteBTW - adopted our third dog of the year. Having a pack of three is so much fun!
Ugh! Sounds exhausting!