Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It is not taboo to let your mother shower...It is taboo not to.

Dear children,

While I enjoyed my stay at hotel Z today, including lunch in the cafe and a nap in the fluffy beds, I am checking out. Six full hours of being served has made me want to leave. Also, hotel staff does not generally pop into your bathroom to get another food order while you shower. Please make a note of it.

And son, opening your mouth full of chewed up graham crackers to make all the imaginary birthday party guests run screaming from the hotel wasn't nice. At some point your friends will be unavailable and you may actually want to play this game. (If not I will have to.) I did not want to learn about that while I showered either.

Please, cease and desist. 

Love, Mom


  1. Anonymous12/29/2010

    Geeze, that hotel sounds like it could compete with the Bates Motel ; )

  2. Dear School,

    Open the F*CK up eh!!

    All our love,
    Mothers against extended winter-breaks

  3. Enough winter vacation, eh? I'm ready for next Monday even though it means I have to go back to work....I played E's version of 20 questions for four hours today.

  4. Actually no, I'd love to be able to stay home with them. It's just not an option. We love vacation no matter what here. :)
