Friday, July 9, 2010

Fuckin' Brilliant

We traipsed off to Food Lion recently to buy the things that make dinner finer and watched some really "cool" teens. As we loaded groceries the 4 boys arrived at their little Nissan next to us and hopped right in. Not amazing yet right?

They started the car and rather than backing out, like normal people do, they decided to drive over the grassy median they parked in front of. Very cool right?

The front end went up fine. They crossed the grassy median fine and the front wheels reached the pavement on the other side. The back wheels? They did not. They gunned the motor, screeching their front tires on the pavement. The car did not move. No shit, they hung the mid-body of their car on the concrete and were stuck.

What would you do? Three of the four boys got out, picked up the back end and pushed it forward. They then hopped back in an off they went as we remained watching, laughing and making fun of them.


  1. Anonymous7/09/2010

    I would have done exactly what you did....watched and laughed. Dumbass kids.

  2. Anonymous7/12/2010

    how funny! i can't even imagine why anyone would choose to cross over the median instead of backing out of their parking place. why????
