Wednesday, February 18, 2009

25 Things to love about ADD...

Just last night I was accused on being uncaring and insensitive for not running to the kitchen when J sliced her hand on a knife. I explained that based on the swearing and level of fussing I didn't really think it was all that serious. She wasn't amused and simply pointed out that I am the drama queen in the house, not her, so I should have known she was injured and run for a band-aid. Who's the drama queen again? Oh, yeah...I'd beg to differ, but that might not be wise since I don't care for arguments...Here are 25 thing to love about ADD snagged from the newsletter I get. I've never been diagnosed, and would not prefer to be thank you very much, but 2 of my 3 kids have and it runs rampant throughout the family. LOL

  1. Insomnia makes for more time to play...though I don't get that perk
  2. The drive of hyperfocus...I was on the laptop when she cut herself
  3. Resiliency...I'm not mad
  4. A sparkling personality...some might refer to that as a Mack Truck
  5. Generosity with time money and resources...that must be why I'm always over-committed
  6. Ingenuity...Yep, drive folks nuts at home with it
  7. A strong sense of what is Fair...Luckily I learned life isn't
  8. Willingness to take a risk...Yep, you can fix failures or keep trying
  9. Making far reaching analogies no one understands...See paragraph above
  10. Spontaneity...Check. Drives the Fam Crazy!
  11. Possessing the mind of a Pentium with only 2 MBs of RAM...What did I forget now?
  12. Pleasant and constant surprises from finding things you forgot...yep
  13. Being Funny...Yeah, they like to laugh at me as I zoom looking for keys, phone, whatever
  14. Being the last of the Romantics...I don't think so, only in theory
  15. Being a good conversationalist...Think social butterfly
  16. An innately better understanding of intuitive technologies like PDAs or PCs...Yep and trying to teach others is an exercise in patience
  17. Honestly believing anything is possible...It is
  18. Rarely being satisfied with status quo...Fam, this is why we have a new living room every week
  19. Compassion...Yep, I rescue dogs
  20. Persistence...I am stubborn and bull-headed but that's good stuff
  21. Joining the ranks of artists, musicians and other creative folks...They are the fun ones anyway
  22. Always being there with a different perspective...even if it annoys you
  23. Willingness to fight for what you believe in...This will get you labeled as a bitch
  24. Excellence in Motivating others...They'll be happy to go to greatness or off the cliff if you just position it right
  25. Being highly organized, punctual and generally responsible...So ok, the last one IS a lie.

Do you have it too? I think I got it from the kids. ;)-


  1. I have been diagnosed ADD. Hmm, who knew eh!

    Insomnia - I used to sleep 3 hours every other day.
    The drive of hyperfocus - yea, I sometimes work 12 hour days.
    Resiliency - I'll make it work damnit.
    A sparkling personality - umm sparkling?!? No.
    Generosity with time, money, and resources - I don't share damnit!
    Ingenuity - It's what makes my friends love me.
    A strong sense of what is Fair - Fuck Fair!
    Making far reaching analogies no one understands - Hell it's my job aka marketing.
    Spontaneity - Check! Trip to Vegas anyone?
    Possessing the mind of a Pentium with only 2 MBs of RAM - If it wasn't for my PDA and my personal assistant I'd forget everything.
    Pleasant and constant surprises from finding things you forgot - Like OMFG, look what I found?!
    Being Funny - Me, funny? No shit?
    Being the last of the Romantics - Yea, I suck at it, can't we just fuck instead?
    Being a good conversationalist - Damn right, I can talk anyone into a deal.
    An innately better understanding of intuitive technologies like PDAs or PCs - I know how it works, and no I can't show you how.
    Honestly believing anything is possible - Well, it is!!!
    Rarely being satisfied with status quo - Something hottie is now finding out!
    Compassion - Animal lover
    Persistence - You betcha!
    Joining the ranks of artists, musicians and other creative folks - Made a career of creativity!
    Always being there with a different perspective - Door 1, 2, or 3.
    Willingness to fight for what you believe in - If I believe, you better too, damnit.
    Excellence in Motivating others - Tis' my job, and well, I can get my friends to do exactly what I want.
    Being highly organized, punctual and generally responsible - All of the above ... damn I'm good!!!

  2. Anonymous2/18/2009

    I don't have the attention span to read all this. (wink)
