Friday, November 7, 2008

Nina Tagged me...Now maybe you're it?

1. I’ve come to realize that my last kiss was........this morning from C before leaving to work
2. I am listening to… Headline News
3. I talk…a lot unless I "can get a word in edgewise"
4. I love… quiet time
5. My best friend is.....far, far away
6. My love life…just fine the way it is
7. I hate it when people assume…period!
8. Love is… wonderful
9. Marriage is…just a memory for me
10. Somewhere, someone is thinking…No way can Obama flip a magic switch and live up to American expectations
11. I’m always… too darn busy, even if only in my head
12. I have a secret crush on… beautiful, landscaped yards
13. My cell phone…is looking a bit tired
14. When I wake up in the morning… I wish I could stay in bed longer
15. When I go to bed at night…I'm always asleep in 5 minutes or less
16. Right now I am thinking about…My living room fiasco -The "Master Plan" is not working out!
17. Babies are… A gift from heaven
18. I get on Face Book…never, but I'm thinking about it
19. Tonight I will…try to pick the right colors again for my living room...

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