Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Just for Today...

It's A GREAT DAY. Today is the 1st day of my last class in earning my Master's Certificate in Project Management. And I found a job at my work to apply for. And I have 3 Xmas parties tonight and will now plan to take the PMP exam in Q1 2008.
All good stuff but not what the post was really going to be about...You see I'm also going to quit smoking after the holidays. I'm going to get a prescription for Chantix to help and have got 2 girlfriends at work and Janice all on board...I'm still working on my sister. So that brings me to the title. I figure one thing that will help with the smoking is a phase I've used in the past: "Just for today..." You see it will help you stay the course and stick to any resolutions you care to pursue. So in January I will say "Just for today I will not smoke" or "Just for today I will choose healthy food that nourishes my body." Try it. It's much easier to commit to something for one day as opposed to a lifetime. Just go day by day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lily girl.....that's great news. I feel so much better now that I quit but don't get me wrong, if I could, I would smoke one in a skinny minute!! haha...the Chantix is awesome and you will really be surprised at how easy it is.
